This component is based on this simple pseudo equation: idj2java + java2wsdl = idl2wsdl. This generation is used for both the WSDL generation (used to configure Jb4Corba endpoints) and for the runtime behaviour for both the provider and the consumer from IDL.
The algorithm used is the following:
The first step is the "IDL to Java" code generation. To implement this operation the component uses a Sun's tool distributed with the standard JDK: idlj.
This tool has several options and if you want a more detailed discussion about it, please visit the
The command line used is idlj -fall -td targetdir -i includedir file.idl.
where targetdir is the directory to place the source files and includedir is the directory where the IDL file is located. new String[] { "-fall", "-td", targetdir, "-i", includedir, idlFilename });
At the end, if the IDL is correct, in the targetdir there are the java source files just generated. In the consumer from IDL case, idlj is used with the -fallTIE parameter to create the poaTie class.
If the IDL file contains one or more value types the source files produced don't compile, in fact the developers must supply an implementation class for each value type.
For example:
If you have an IDL file that contains a value type like the following
valuetype FooValueType { public short fooField; };
We generate 2 classes: the class of the value type:
public abstract class FooValueType implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.StreamableValue { // ... some code }
...and the Factory:
public class FooValueTypeDefaultFactory implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueFactory { public read_value ( org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream is) { return is.read_value(new FooValueTypeImpl ()); } }
But the class FooValueTypeImpl does not exist so we generate an empty class that extends FooValueType and called FooValueTypeImpl in the source's directory.
public class FooValueTypeImpl extends FooValueType { }
Now the code generated compiles!
Compiling the java source code generated using javac
The compiled code generated is not ready to be used by CXF, so we inspect all the Operations class (generated from the CORBA interface) and extract from this class all the data types used in the methods.
For each data types found we modify their bytecode to comply the CXF behaviour:
Now, the classes are ready to be analyzed by CXF to generate the related WSDL.