Provider Role - Localization Type

A corba service can be localized using some different mechanisms: NameService, IOR, corbaname and corbaloc.

The JBI4CORBA component supports all of these methods when it is configured as a provider and some of them when configured as consumer.

The localizationType property can assume the following values: NameService, IOR, corbaname and corbaloc.

The name changes with the localizationType:

localizationType name provider consumer
NameService The name of the service as it's stored in the naming service yes yes
IOR The absolute path where there is a file that contains a IOR yes yes
corbaname The corbaname url of the service yes no
corbaloc The corbaloc url of the service yes no

Sample - WSDL deploy and NameService

In this example the binding component is deployed using the WSDL file and the localizationType is NameService.

  <wsdl:binding name="EchoWSDLJBIPortBinding" type="tns:EchoWSDLPortType">
        ... the idl file content.


  <wsdl:service name="EchoWSDL">
    <wsdl:port binding="tns:EchoWSDLJBIPortBinding" name="EchoWSDLJBIPort">
      <imolacorba:address name="ServantTestSimpleWsdl" localizationType="NameService">
          <imolacorba:property name="org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort" value="1050"/>
          <imolacorba:property name="org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost" value="localhost"/>

Sample - WSDL deploy and IOR

In this example the binding component is deployed using the WSDL file and the localizationType is IOR. (The servant can avoid the registration in the NameService) If the name points to a directory and not a file then the file name is defaulted to service name.txt


  <wsdl:service name="EchoIorWSDL">
    <wsdl:port binding="tns:EchoIorWSDLJBIPortBinding" name="EchoIorWSDLJBIPort">
      <imolacorba:address localizationType="IOR" name="c:/wolv/EchoIorWsdlImpl.txt" />          

Sample - WSDL deploy and corbaname

In this example the binding component is deployed using the WSDL file and the localizationType is corbaname. (The IP and port used in the name is the network address of the NameService where the servant registered itself previuosly with the name indicated after the '#' character.)


  <wsdl:service name="ServantCorbanameWsdl">
    <wsdl:port binding="tns:ServantCorbanameWsdlJBIPortBinding" name="ServantCorbanameWsdlJBIPort">
      <imolacorba:address localizationType="corbaname"
                          name="corbaname::" />              

Sample - WSDL deploy and corbaloc

In this example the binding component is deployed using the WSDL file and the localizationType is corbaloc.

In this configuration the servant can avoid the NameService registration, but it must publish itself with an IP, port and name. This features is usually provided with a specific method of the vendor implementation of the ORB.

For the ORB of SUN Microsystem the corba service published using the following code

(( orb).
        "ServantCorbaloc", rootPOA.servant_to_reference(servant) );

  <wsdl:service name="ServantCorbalocWsdl">
    <wsdl:port binding="tns:ServantCorbalocWsdlJBIPortBinding" name="ServantCorbalocWsdlJBIPort">
                <imolacorba:address localizationType="corbaloc" 
                          name="corbaloc:iiop:1.2@" />                