Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassGenerationException

Uses of ClassGenerationException in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator

Methods in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator that throw ClassGenerationException
protected  void ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.addEnumClass(String workdirsrc)
static Class Util.classLoad(String dir, File classAsFile)
static Class Util.classLoad(String dir, String className)
          Load ths class using the class name in the target directory.
static Class Util.classLoad(String dir, String className, boolean addParent)
          Load ths class using the class name in the target directory.
static Class Util.classLoadQuiet(String dir, String className)
          Try to load the class the class name in the target directory; if no class is found, NO EXCEPTION IS THROWN.
static void Util.compileJavaClasses(String workdirsrc, String workdirclasses, List<String> javaSources, List<String> jarFiles, List<String> extraClassPath)
          XXX javadoc.
static void Util.compileRemoteClassesNoValueMethodsOFF(String classesDir, String className, List<String> extraClasspath)
static void Util.compileRemoteClassesNoValueMethodsON(String classesDir, String className, List<String> extraClasspath)
 List<String> ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.copyIDLs(String classesDirName, String wsdlDirName, String remoteClassName)
          Copy all the IDLs with care about (sub)path.
 String ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.createsPackageInfo(String namespace, String packagePath, String dirClasses)
          Creates the file for the correct jaxb mapping.
static String UnionTypeUtils.createUnionClassWrapper(UnionType union, Map<String,UnionType> allUnionTypes, String workdirclasses)
          createUnionClassWrapper - create a wrapper for the union types as parameter/return type
 List<MethodSignature> UtilJavaSourceParsing.extractMethodSignature(String absPath, String fullQualifiedName)
          This method extract the method's signature defined in the java source file.
static Map<String,List<MethodSignature>> Util.extractMethodSignatureOfTheCorbaOperations(String sourceDir)
          This method extracts all the MethodSignature in the 'Operations' source files.
static Map<Long,String> Util.extractSerialVersionUid(String classesDir, List<String> pathList)
static Set<Class> Util.findAllTypesUsedInIDL(String dir)
          This method extracts all the types used in idl file.
static Set<Class> Util.findClassUsed(String dir, List<File> classList)
          This method extracs all the class used as method's parameter or method's result.
static Set<Class> Util.findClassUsedInTheOperations(String dir)
          This method extracs all the class used as method's parameter or method's result.
protected static Map<String,List<String>> Util.findCorbaEnum(String bin)
          This method find the corba enum.
static List<Class> Util.findGeneratedClasses(String classesDir, ClassLoader classLoader)
          This method find all the '.class' files in classesDir.
static Map<String,List<String>> Util.findOnewayOperations(String bin)
          This method is used to discover the 'oneway' operations inside a corba stub.
protected  void TypeUtils.findType(Class typeName, String classesDir, Map<String,SearchedType> operationTypes, TCKind searchedType)
          find union in a certain type and in its member classes recursively
 ServerCorbaClassesHolder ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerCorbaClassesHolder(String workdir, List<String> jars, List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> classes, ProviderServiceClassesGenerator serviceGenerator, JbiServiceDescriptor jbidesc)
          This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the classes already generated with provider class generation API.
 ServerCorbaClassesHolder ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClasses(String wsdlStringUrl, String workdir, String libDirName, JbiServiceDescriptor jbiServiceDescriptor)
          This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume.
 ServerCorbaClassesHolder ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClassesDirect(String wsdlStringUrl, String workdir, List<String> jars, JbiServiceDescriptor jbiServiceDescriptor)
          This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume.
 ServerCorbaClassesHolder ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClassesDirectFromIDL(File wsdlDirFile, List<String> jars, JbiServiceDescriptor jbiServiceDescriptor, WsdlInformation wsdlInformation)
          This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the IDL found inside the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume.
 ServerCorbaClassesHolder ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClassesDirectFromWSDL(File wsdlDirFile, List<String> jars)
          This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume.
static String Util.generateImplementationClass(ClassLoader urlClassLoader, String remoteClassName, boolean addRemoteSupport)
          This method load the class 'remoteClassName' using the ClassLoader in input and generates an implementation class.
 List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(JbiServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor, String workdir, List<String> jars, String portTypeName)
 List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(JbiServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor, String workdir, String libDirName, String portTypeName)
          This class is used to generate a service from a IDL file.
 List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(List<JbiServiceDescriptor> serviceDescriptorList, String workdir, List<String> jars, List<String> portTypeName)
          This class is used to generate a service from a IDL file.
 List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(List<JbiServiceDescriptor> serviceDescriptorList, String workdir, String libDirName, List<String> portTypeName)
          This class is used to generate a service from a IDL file.
static List<String> Util.generateValueTypeFactoryJbi4corba(List<String> vtList, String basedir)
          This method generates the new valuetypes factories.
 javax.wsdl.Definition WSDLGenerator.generateWSDLfromIDL(File idlFile, WSDLDescriptor desc)
 List<javax.wsdl.Definition> WSDLGenerator.generateWSDLListfromIDL(File idlFile, ArrayList<WSDLDescriptor> descList)
          Creates a WSDL file starting from an IDL file.
static org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader Util.getAsmCLassReader(String className)
          This method returns the class reader used for the bytecode manipulation.
static org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader Util.getAsmCLassReader(String classesDirName, String className)
static String Util.getClassName(File file, String basedir, String extension)
          Gets the class name from the file absolute path, representing both "java" and "class" file names
static String Util.getClassName(String absoluteFilePath, String basedir, String extension)
          Gets the class name from the file absolute path, representing both "java" and "class" file names
static TypeCode TypeUtils.getCorbaTypeTypeCode(Class typeClass, String classesDir)
protected static Class TypeUtils.getTypeClass(String className, String classesDir, Class interfaceClassType)
static HashMap<String,String> Util.getTypesMap(String dir)
          findAllTypes - finds all types defined in IDL
static String Util.getValueTypeIdFromHelperClass(String helper, ClassLoader cl)
static void HolderUtils.populateChangedMethod(MethodSignature methodSignature, String classesDir, Set<String> unionTypes, Set<String> interfaceTypes)
          If the method contains holder parameters, the signature can be changed, so try to conect the with the Method object.
static void HolderUtils.populateCorbaHolderValueType(String classesDir, List<MethodSignature> methodSignatures, Set<String> unionTypes, Set<String> interfaceTypes)
          Calculate the Corba Holder value type class and set it in the Param of the MethodSignature.
static List<String> Util.prepareClassPath(String libDirName)
          The list of names of the jars used in the classpath.
 void TypeUtils.processTypes(Set<Class> allIDLTypes, String classesDir, Map operationTypes, TCKind searchedType)
          search in methodSignatures return types and parameter types for union types
static String AnyTypeUtils.replaceAnyTypesInMethodSignature(String desc)
          replaceAnyTypesInMethodSignature replace union types method signature with union type wrappers or java.lang.Object
static Map<String,List<String>> Util.replaceCorbaEnumaration(String src, String bin)
          This method finds the corba enumerations and replace them with a standard enum classes.
static String UnionTypeUtils.replaceUnionTypesInMethodSignature(String desc, Map<String,UnionType> allUnionTypes, String workingDirClasses)
          replaceUnionTypesInMethodSignature replace union types method signature with union type wrappers or java.lang.Object
static void Util.saveAsJavaClass(String absoluteFileName, byte[] newBytecode)
static void Util.saveAsJavaClass(String classesDirName, String relativeFileName, byte[] newBytecode)
static File Util.saveAsJavaSource(String code, String dir, String name)
          This method save a java file.
static File Util.saveFile(String code, String dir, String name)
          This method saves a file.
static Map<String,List<String>> Util.tweakOnewayInspection(String absPath)
          This method is used to inspect the bytecode of a class to discover the corba 'oneway' requests.
static void Util.tweakSerializableDecoration(String absPath, Long newSerialVersionUid)
          This method modify the bytecode of a class: add Serializable interface and set the serial version UID.
static ClassMetaInfo Util.tweakSerializableInspection(String absPath)
          This method inspect a class to verify if it is Serilizable and to extract the serial version UID (if exists).
static Map<String,Object> Util.valueTypeMapHandler(List<String> vtList, String classesDirName, ClassLoader cl)
          XXX javadoc.
static Map<String,Object> Util.valueTypeMapHandlerWithJbi4corbaFactory(List<String> vtList, String classesDirName, ClassLoader cl)
          XXX javadoc.
static List<String> Util.valueTypesImpl(String workdirsrc, boolean addToStringEquals)
          The files with the '' suffix instantiate a value type but the implementation of this data types must be provided by the developers.

Uses of ClassGenerationException in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator.typedef

Methods in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator.typedef that throw ClassGenerationException
abstract  void TypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
 void ComplexArrayTypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
 void SimpleTypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
          Creates the class for the typedef.
 void ComplexTypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
 Class TypeDef.getHelperClass(String classesDir)
          Return the relative class name.
static TypeDef TypeDefFactory.getTypeDef(String classesDir, String className, String helperClassName)

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