Packages that use ClassGenerationException | |
it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator | |
it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator.typedef |
Uses of ClassGenerationException in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator |
Methods in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator that throw ClassGenerationException | |
protected void |
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.addEnumClass(String workdirsrc)
static Class |
Util.classLoad(String dir,
File classAsFile)
static Class |
Util.classLoad(String dir,
String className)
Load ths class using the class name in the target directory. |
static Class |
Util.classLoad(String dir,
String className,
boolean addParent)
Load ths class using the class name in the target directory. |
static Class |
Util.classLoadQuiet(String dir,
String className)
Try to load the class the class name in the target directory; if no class is found, NO EXCEPTION IS THROWN. |
static void |
Util.compileJavaClasses(String workdirsrc,
String workdirclasses,
List<String> javaSources,
List<String> jarFiles,
List<String> extraClassPath)
XXX javadoc. |
static void |
Util.compileRemoteClassesNoValueMethodsOFF(String classesDir,
String className,
List<String> extraClasspath)
static void |
Util.compileRemoteClassesNoValueMethodsON(String classesDir,
String className,
List<String> extraClasspath)
List<String> |
ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.copyIDLs(String classesDirName,
String wsdlDirName,
String remoteClassName)
Copy all the IDLs with care about (sub)path. |
String |
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.createsPackageInfo(String namespace,
String packagePath,
String dirClasses)
Creates the pacakge-info.java file for the correct jaxb mapping. |
static String |
UnionTypeUtils.createUnionClassWrapper(UnionType union,
Map<String,UnionType> allUnionTypes,
String workdirclasses)
createUnionClassWrapper - create a wrapper for the union types as parameter/return type |
List<MethodSignature> |
UtilJavaSourceParsing.extractMethodSignature(String absPath,
String fullQualifiedName)
This method extract the method's signature defined in the java source file. |
static Map<String,List<MethodSignature>> |
Util.extractMethodSignatureOfTheCorbaOperations(String sourceDir)
This method extracts all the MethodSignature in the 'Operations' source files. |
static Map<Long,String> |
Util.extractSerialVersionUid(String classesDir,
List<String> pathList)
static Set<Class> |
Util.findAllTypesUsedInIDL(String dir)
This method extracts all the types used in idl file. |
static Set<Class> |
Util.findClassUsed(String dir,
List<File> classList)
This method extracs all the class used as method's parameter or method's result. |
static Set<Class> |
Util.findClassUsedInTheOperations(String dir)
This method extracs all the class used as method's parameter or method's result. |
protected static Map<String,List<String>> |
Util.findCorbaEnum(String bin)
This method find the corba enum. |
static List<Class> |
Util.findGeneratedClasses(String classesDir,
ClassLoader classLoader)
This method find all the '.class' files in classesDir. |
static Map<String,List<String>> |
Util.findOnewayOperations(String bin)
This method is used to discover the 'oneway' operations inside a corba stub. |
protected void |
TypeUtils.findType(Class typeName,
String classesDir,
Map<String,SearchedType> operationTypes,
TCKind searchedType)
find union in a certain type and in its member classes recursively |
ServerCorbaClassesHolder |
ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerCorbaClassesHolder(String workdir,
List<String> jars,
List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> classes,
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator serviceGenerator,
JbiServiceDescriptor jbidesc)
This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the classes already generated with provider class generation API. |
ServerCorbaClassesHolder |
ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClasses(String wsdlStringUrl,
String workdir,
String libDirName,
JbiServiceDescriptor jbiServiceDescriptor)
This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume. |
ServerCorbaClassesHolder |
ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClassesDirect(String wsdlStringUrl,
String workdir,
List<String> jars,
JbiServiceDescriptor jbiServiceDescriptor)
This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume. |
ServerCorbaClassesHolder |
ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClassesDirectFromIDL(File wsdlDirFile,
List<String> jars,
JbiServiceDescriptor jbiServiceDescriptor,
WsdlInformation wsdlInformation)
This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the IDL found inside the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume. |
ServerCorbaClassesHolder |
ConsumerServiceClassesGenerator.generateConsumerServiceClassesDirectFromWSDL(File wsdlDirFile,
List<String> jars)
This method is used to generate all the consumer code starting from the WSDL of the Endpoint to consume. |
static String |
Util.generateImplementationClass(ClassLoader urlClassLoader,
String remoteClassName,
boolean addRemoteSupport)
This method load the class 'remoteClassName' using the ClassLoader in input and generates an implementation class. |
List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> |
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(JbiServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor,
String workdir,
List<String> jars,
String portTypeName)
List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> |
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(JbiServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor,
String workdir,
String libDirName,
String portTypeName)
This class is used to generate a service from a IDL file. |
List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> |
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(List<JbiServiceDescriptor> serviceDescriptorList,
String workdir,
List<String> jars,
List<String> portTypeName)
This class is used to generate a service from a IDL file. |
List<ClientCorbaClassesHolder> |
ProviderServiceClassesGenerator.generateProviderServiceClasses(List<JbiServiceDescriptor> serviceDescriptorList,
String workdir,
String libDirName,
List<String> portTypeName)
This class is used to generate a service from a IDL file. |
static List<String> |
Util.generateValueTypeFactoryJbi4corba(List<String> vtList,
String basedir)
This method generates the new valuetypes factories. |
javax.wsdl.Definition |
WSDLGenerator.generateWSDLfromIDL(File idlFile,
WSDLDescriptor desc)
Deprecated. |
List<javax.wsdl.Definition> |
WSDLGenerator.generateWSDLListfromIDL(File idlFile,
ArrayList<WSDLDescriptor> descList)
Creates a WSDL file starting from an IDL file. |
static org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader |
Util.getAsmCLassReader(String className)
This method returns the class reader used for the bytecode manipulation. |
static org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader |
Util.getAsmCLassReader(String classesDirName,
String className)
static String |
Util.getClassName(File file,
String basedir,
String extension)
Gets the class name from the file absolute path, representing both "java" and "class" file names |
static String |
Util.getClassName(String absoluteFilePath,
String basedir,
String extension)
Gets the class name from the file absolute path, representing both "java" and "class" file names |
static TypeCode |
TypeUtils.getCorbaTypeTypeCode(Class typeClass,
String classesDir)
getCorbaTypeTypeCode |
protected static Class |
TypeUtils.getTypeClass(String className,
String classesDir,
Class interfaceClassType)
getTypeClass |
static HashMap<String,String> |
Util.getTypesMap(String dir)
findAllTypes - finds all types defined in IDL |
static String |
Util.getValueTypeIdFromHelperClass(String helper,
ClassLoader cl)
static void |
HolderUtils.populateChangedMethod(MethodSignature methodSignature,
String classesDir,
Set<String> unionTypes,
Set<String> interfaceTypes)
If the method contains holder parameters, the signature can be changed, so try to conect the Method object. |
static void |
HolderUtils.populateCorbaHolderValueType(String classesDir,
List<MethodSignature> methodSignatures,
Set<String> unionTypes,
Set<String> interfaceTypes)
Calculate the Corba Holder value type class and set it in the Param of the MethodSignature . |
static List<String> |
Util.prepareClassPath(String libDirName)
The list of names of the jars used in the classpath. |
void |
TypeUtils.processTypes(Set<Class> allIDLTypes,
String classesDir,
Map operationTypes,
TCKind searchedType)
search in methodSignatures return types and parameter types for union types |
static String |
AnyTypeUtils.replaceAnyTypesInMethodSignature(String desc)
replaceAnyTypesInMethodSignature replace union types method signature with union type wrappers or java.lang.Object |
static Map<String,List<String>> |
Util.replaceCorbaEnumaration(String src,
String bin)
This method finds the corba enumerations and replace them with a standard enum classes. |
static String |
UnionTypeUtils.replaceUnionTypesInMethodSignature(String desc,
Map<String,UnionType> allUnionTypes,
String workingDirClasses)
replaceUnionTypesInMethodSignature replace union types method signature with union type wrappers or java.lang.Object |
static void |
Util.saveAsJavaClass(String absoluteFileName,
byte[] newBytecode)
static void |
Util.saveAsJavaClass(String classesDirName,
String relativeFileName,
byte[] newBytecode)
static File |
Util.saveAsJavaSource(String code,
String dir,
String name)
This method save a java file. |
static File |
Util.saveFile(String code,
String dir,
String name)
This method saves a file. |
static Map<String,List<String>> |
Util.tweakOnewayInspection(String absPath)
This method is used to inspect the bytecode of a class to discover the corba 'oneway' requests. |
static void |
Util.tweakSerializableDecoration(String absPath,
Long newSerialVersionUid)
This method modify the bytecode of a class: add Serializable interface and set the serial version UID. |
static ClassMetaInfo |
Util.tweakSerializableInspection(String absPath)
This method inspect a class to verify if it is Serilizable and to extract the serial version UID (if exists). |
static Map<String,Object> |
Util.valueTypeMapHandler(List<String> vtList,
String classesDirName,
ClassLoader cl)
XXX javadoc. |
static Map<String,Object> |
Util.valueTypeMapHandlerWithJbi4corbaFactory(List<String> vtList,
String classesDirName,
ClassLoader cl)
XXX javadoc. |
static List<String> |
Util.valueTypesImpl(String workdirsrc,
boolean addToStringEquals)
The files with the 'DefaultFactory.java' suffix instantiate a value type but the implementation of this data types must be provided by the developers. |
Uses of ClassGenerationException in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator.typedef |
Methods in it.imolinfo.jbi4corba.webservice.generator.typedef that throw ClassGenerationException | |
abstract void |
TypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
void |
ComplexArrayTypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
void |
SimpleTypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
Creates the class for the typedef. |
void |
ComplexTypeDef.createTypeDefClass(String classesDir)
Class |
TypeDef.getHelperClass(String classesDir)
Return the relative class name. |
static TypeDef |
TypeDefFactory.getTypeDef(String classesDir,
String className,
String helperClassName)